New to forex, help a brother succeed pals

good day roomies…!!! I’m new to forex and to this platform. I heard that this is the best platform to learn forex just like the name implies. I want to be an expert and i have trust in y’all to make me one.

Hi and welcome :slight_smile:

First lesson… don’t ever expect anyone to ‘make you an expert’.

If you want to be an expert at anything you and you alone need to put in the hard work.

Unfortunately in this industry if you expect anyone to take you to riches you will quickly loose everything you have, there are many unscrupulous sharks out there.

I hope you do well and take this on board… I would hate for you to have lost heaps of money in a couple of years and think “Damn I should have listened to that guy on the forum”.

Best of luck,


Welcome :slight_smile:

Hello and welcome, KingMufasa! Are you going through the School now? I hope you’re enjoying the lessons! Good luck on your trading journey!

Welcome to BabyPips, @KingMufasa. Start with the BabyPips school. It’s the best place to start for beginners.

It’s great that you have chosen Forex trading. But before you make any investments, learn about it and then practice using a demo account.

thanks professor!
I have been through the educational page and it is straight forward I think i’m gaining one or two.

Hello and welcome KingMufasa. It would be unrealistic to expect that someone would handhold you and guide you to being an expert. However, you can always post a question/ doubt in the forum and the members are kind enough to help you out.