New To Forex (Newbie)

Hi everyone, Please call me Nnando. I’m new to Forex, and I hope to become a successful trader in the coming years, helping and tutoring others to create global wealth.

Building wealth is a marathon, not a sprint. It will take time to become an experienced trader, but it will be worth the wait. A saying goes, “Good things come to people that wait.”

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Welcome to the forum :grinning:

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Hi and welcome in BP community :slight_smile:

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Welcome Nnando! How are things going for you? I hope you’re enjoying this new journey! Keep learning and we will be looking forward to your progress!

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Welcome to the community, Nnando. It’s good that you recognize that learning will take some time. Just put in the time and effort to learn. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

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My FX journey is going well. I always remember that slow progress is also a progress. Thank you for reaching out…

Thank you, Zian. It’s going great, and I’m more knowledgeable today about Forex than yesterday. So it’s evident to me that I’m getting better every day.

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Good to hear. Hope to hear more from you.

My name is Gina and I also am a newbie. I’m very excited about learning all that I can here.

Welcome to the community, Gina. Just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcome Gina! Take your time, focus on learning and do not rush into trading with your real money. Good luck!

Welcome Nnando! It’s great to hear that you have a long-term vision of becoming a successful trader and helping others achieve financial freedom.

You’re absolutely right. It takes a lot of dedication, hard work, and patience to become an experienced trader. Wishing you all the best on your Forex trading journey.