New to Forex- Suggest most suitable and registered Broker

Hello :wave:
I am new here!
I really want to trade forex , however I don’t know which forex platform to use to get started with!
There are mwny Forex brokers nowadays but most of them are SCAMS in greed of money leading to brokerage fraud !!
If you go to YouTube and try to do some research about LEGIT Forex application to use, it’s becoming quite confusing to opt for the right application!!
Can someone advise which are the most reliable and registered Brokers?

Hi, your question is to general. Which broker will be suit for depending on many factors like country where you live, what type of instrument you will use, start capital and so on. Regards Greg

Hello @rsookun,

You may also want to check out this section of the school which covers the things you need to consider when choosing a broker.


Pipzilla :coffee:

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Well, there are a lot of things you should consider when you search for a broker. one may be their trading platform, for example. First think about what you want from a broker and then by a simple search and research you’ll find it.

hello my friend
welcome to baby pips
people help you a lot here
i can not check it a lot this days but i larned a lot here
i think you have to say you needs and after that people will tell you a broker name because a broker that is good for me maybe is not good for you too

I think should be user-friendly, stable, and provide access to the necessary tools for technical analysis, order execution, and risk management. Popular platforms include MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5), which are widely used and supported by many brokers.

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