New to Forex, Tired of Wallstreet

Hey traders,

Basically I lost a bunch of money on ftx, along with the inconsistency of the current stock market; so I’m done for now in that arena. I’m ready for something new and I’ve heard about forex a few times and know it’s viable. Any tips for someone starting fresh?


Well, FX trading is a highly speculative negative sum profit and loss venture. So beware that there is no short cut to consistent success, despite what social media tells you.

Focus on learning properly from this great education site, and let rewards, if any, take care of themselves. I also suggest you focus on preserving your account, by tightening up your risk exposure, as you cannot trade without it.

Best of luck.

Welcome study hard!

start here

this is a fine answer for the beginners level.

thanks for your nice share . got some fine information from there.

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Sorry to hear about your prior losses but it’s good to see that you haven’t given up on trading. Wishing you the best :four_leaf_clover: