New to forex trading

Hello I just started taking the baby pip trading course… I don’t know how long it will take but I’ll always control my emotions and remain patient throughout this journey to becoming a profitable trader. Any advice

Don’t trust anyone’s word - take your time to backtest everything you learn.

Don’t go live unless you will become a profitable trader on demo. Gather enough evidence using a trading journal as it will improve your confidence in the future.

Follow these two simple steps and you will be ahead of the majority of newcomers in the FX market.

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No you won’t.
Most losing traders are attached to their trades, and they will do anything to help them on their way to avoid fear of missing out on a profit or suffering pain of losing because they got it wrong…

IMO, your best approach is to welcome/accept emotions that every human has in their lives. What your mindset needs to learn is to be detached from your trades and accept that both profit and loss is normal. There’s no need to FEAR any outcome, it is what it is.

Best of luck on your course learning. Practice and experiment on a demo account first. See how it goes and whether it suits you and your lifestyle.

Welcome to the community, @tugumeron. Great plan. You will need a lot of patience as you go through the learning process. Consider starting with a demo account instead of trading live right away so that you don’t lose any money while you’re still learning.

Hey newbie, welcome here! I must say that you already know the most valuable lesson of trading. You have to keep patience and let your career grow by not letting emotions be a part of your decisions. The rest of the technical lessons can be learnt from the school of pipsology.

Accept that trading will open you up and make you vulnerable and that’s fine. How you deal with that is the real test.

I am ambe007 for Cameroon I am 30 years old I am new here and I don’t know Long I will take to learn how to trade but am very willing and ready to learn