New to the community

Good morning
I introduce myself my nickname is Tiburon, I am 42 years old and new in trading for about 6 months I am still in learning mode and I would like to improve in my trading to become profitable and enjoy the freedom that can bring this craft.
Trading anywhere in the world and traveling while trading, very few jobs offer this opportunity.
I am of Moroccan origin and I am happy to be among this community to learn and exchange with everyone
I knew this site by chance and as we say there is no chance with us. Hoping to learn with the members of this forum.
Sorry if I write in French I am not very good in English
thank you for your welcome


Bienvune Tiburon.

Actuellement, je viens de regarder sur la television cette aprem une episode de “Maigret” avec Bruno Cremer.

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i’m starting to think you haven’t got quite enough to do with your time, and should perhaps take up golf

bienvenu, bien sûr, M. Tiburon

vous constaterez que la plupart d’entre nous ne sont pas très bons en français! :open_mouth: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Bienvenue @Tiburon
je ne suis pas sûr de pouvoir conseiller quoique ce soit, mais je réponds quand même puisque je comprends assez bien le français. En tout cas bon courrage et bonne réussite!

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Welcome to the community, Tiburon. Hope to hear more from you in the future.

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Thank you for your welcome zianfx, I hope to improve in trading with the community

You’re welcome. Just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Hello and welcome Tiburon!! If you have any questions, feel free to ask the community. Lots of nice people here who would love to help out. Good luck!

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