New to this forex thing

Hi guys!!! I’m from the United states

Hello world! :slight_smile:

Since this is tradition, who i am to break it. :innocent:

My name is Josip and i am from Croatia, 32 y old. Working in big company on stacking hydraulics on trucks and similar stuffs. Living with a girl who is encouraged me for getting me new hobby. Sooo…
I have a friend who trade on few markets/exchange sites most with cryptocurrency. We start some stuffs together 3y ago but since then i had ruff life so i had to quit with that. He kept good work since then and gave me idea to trade with him.
He suggest me this site to learn more about market and try to find my self here.
Hope it will be successful :smiley:

Till new post folks :wink:

Welcome to trading

Welcome and good luck)