New to trading - From Singapore and willing to learn from babysteps

Hello everyone.

My name is Sherlyn, from SG. New and noob.
Do guide me well.

Thank you.

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Let’s start learning the basics of babypip.
Find a suitable strategy, stick with it for a few months (at least) in a demo account (if you don’t want to lose money).
Until profitable, start with real account

Welcome Sherlyn! Focus on learning and getting the required skills to be a profitable trader. Good luck and see you around!

Welcome to the community, @sherlynkky. Just ask away if some things aren’t clear to you. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Hey, welcome to the community. Feel free to ask anything and good luck.

I am from Singapore and new, but I am also pineapple. I am new in forex and trading, but I know a lot about crypto. I can help you with that.