New to trading!

Hey, new to trading and would like to connect with some more experienced people


Hello and welcome to the community. Most newbie makes a mistake. They focus more on earning than learning. Don’t make this learning. Without proper skills and experience it’s not possible to be successful in forex trading.


Agree with the above. Focus on the process and money will follow. Treat it like a degree or apprenticeship.

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strong text
The most important component of earnings announcements is the pre-announcement phase the time when a company issues a statement stating whether it will meet, exceed, or fail to meet earnings expectations

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Totally makes sense, same with any profession surely! Learn first!

Thanks for the tip! Always helpful :grinning:

Any YouTube channels I should follow?

Personally I would look at the Inner Circle Trader (ICT).

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Try this It’s free.


Will do, thanks!

Yeah it’s amazing!