New Trader - Forex for freedom

Hi All,

I work in an industry that limits my ability to trade however earlier today I received confirmation that forex trading is allowed!

Like everyone here, I am looking to learn to trade forex. My goal is to hopefully build a revenue stream to cover my living costs so I don’t have to work for someone else.

My previous exposure to trading is simple TA with a larger focus on fundamental analysis to capture large price moves and I want to really flush this out and build a workable system.

Nice to meet you all!


Don’t leave your job. Forex trading is hard. Try to learn trading first.

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Absolutely no intention of quiting my job for years haha!!

I know how long this road is going to be and I’m comfortable with that while working.

Hopefully progress to part time or something less competitive in a few years (3-5) but I’m definitely not considering leaving employment for probably a decade. Would be be fantastic if I could but it’s just not realistic.

Thank you for mentioning this though as I know a lot of people see this as a quick money solution!

That’s good. Fundamental analysis is very important and if you are already familiar with it, that is even better. You can browse some courses at the School of Pipsology.