New trader need advice

as a new trader, should i develop a system or copy the system of someone else or (big OR) or… OR… should i use my brain (i know, very uncommong and underused tool in trading forums)?

any ideas?


Well all new traders should not risk more than a certain percent of their account. And must study for the next ten years and demo trade before going live. Complete the school and you will know everything that there is to know in order to trade profitably. And if it is not your passion then you are going to fail.

oh crap!

10 years??

but… but… but i already ordered a new ferrari!!! they said its comming in 2 months.

i need to make 320.000 out of 2,99 within the next 2 months men!

dooood help me !!!


We’re looking for perfect conditions before we can start to find any focus, before we can launch into that important, meaningful task that we’re committed to doing.

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You have a thousand tasks on your plate, and you want to clear as many of them out because you’re feeling overwhelmed. I get this, I feel the same way. But putting off the important things to get a feeling of control over your huge pile of tasks is rarely the answer (sometimes it is, if the pile is causing problems). This just leads to the important tasks never getting done, because we get into the habit of prioritizing the pile. Instead, it’s usually better to deal with the feeling of overwhelm by feeling it. Meditating on the feeling, accepting it, letting it be there as we dive into the important task.


We put off the task because it’s big, scary, difficult, overwhelming. Something about the important task makes us shut down — it’s like our brains have a fuse box that gets overloaded and shuts down to keep us safe. This is completely understandable! Something in our past made us feel that we can’t handle these kinds of overwhelming feelings. But it’s usually not true — we can handle the overwhelming feeling. We can turn towards it, feel it, be with it. Practicing like this, we teach ourselves that feeling stressed by this is no problem, that we can handle it.


And do you want to take a bet that somebody will reply to this crap??? LOL!!!

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i hope somebody will reply!!!
ii neeeddd a systeeeemmmm!

oh crap, i just bought a cheeseburger!! ■■■■, now i need to make 320.000 from 1,89!!!


please help!

is there any other real way of making money off wallstreet besides offering bass to mouth at the holiday inn at streets end? :disappointed_relieved:

There is some truth to needing to take care of all the other tasks. They actually need to get done. So it’s not a bad idea to take a look at your list and ask what you actually need to get done right now. Do you need to take care of a few smaller administrative tasks before you launch into the important tasks? Or can they wait an hour? Usually they can wait, if we’re honest with ourselves. Sometimes (probably less than 10% of the time), we need to take care of a couple of smaller tasks now.

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In truth, much of the time it’s a combination of all of the above, and then just the way we’ve always done things. For example, maybe you’ve always started your day with a cup of coffee and reading your favorite news sites and social media. Then you do email and admin tasks. Only after doing all of that do you start the important work. Starting with the important work before all of that would feel wrong! But there is nothing written in stone here — we can start earlier, and in fact, if we get into this new habit, we’ll find that we’re getting the important work done more often, and having the impact on the world we’d like to have.


hahahha love your copy pasting of BOTs who haunt these forums :joy:

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MeDE my friend. Do not be upsetting your most kind self for I have surely found the solution to all your problems.
I have very simple way for you to make very many good money, yes indeed!!! Only last month I am turning my very modest 1.45 account into a most pleasant 165, 000 with very little efforts.
Now, I cannot reveal on public forum my exact methods, but I am sure you agree this is most impressive, is it not my good fellow. To help reassure you, and because you are my very dear new friend, I am able to reveal that my wonderful 100% winning system is a top secret way to guarantee always buying at the most best low prices and selling at the most very best higher prices.
Yes, it sounds too simple but only my James Bond 007 Top Secret trading system is having these splendid results.
So, my brother, you must promise to keep everything very top secret quiet because a most splendid system like this could be very dangerous in the wrong hands, but as you are my closest friend and brother I will very gladly send you my systems, and not only that but I will give my wonderful dear friend £500 to help you start your new road to great wealth.
All I need from your most kind and generous self is a few tiny details so that I can send you these £500, nothing more than your full name and address, birthdate (so I can send my new best friend a birthday card every year), national insurance number, your most beautiful mothers maiden name and that is all.
I can see we are going to be the most best lifelong best friends, my friend.
Many wonderful blessing to your kind self.

P.S. As a child did you ever have a pet, my friend? I am wondering what it’s name was?


You guys are the best man.

I am sitting here absolutely cracking myself up!!! LOL!!! Makes it ALL worth it I’ll tell ya!!! LOL!!!

(But do NOT ask me on a date because I don’t exist).

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i swear i will give you a ride in my new ferrari portofino!!

i feel so honored and blessed that i am the only person who you want to share your super duper MI6 James Bond trading system!! the name is so freaking FANTASTIC that it MUST WORK 100%. i mean after all, 007 also kills 100% of its enemies!!! the name is so perfectly chosen like an AMEN IN CHURCH!!!

i swear i will not share your superduper secret weapon james bond 007 MI6 secret system!!!

ok my full name and adress are below

born 06.06.1966
living in in city of Fuking in Austria

my bank account and all my passwords to the bvank i wil PM you, as im afraid that if i post it here, people might accidentally wire me money.

Ah about my pet, yes i had a pet as a kid, my loved hampster! His name was DikkusMaximus and unfortunately he died when i was 11. never had a pet after that again as i felt no other pet could fill the huge gap that Dikkus Maximus filled :disappointed_relieved:

about the 500 you want to send me. mate i think i first need to send you 5000 in order to free those 500 from taxation through borderline crossing money payment systems, am i right?


here is a picture of me, they interviewed me on TV once and a friend was quick enough to make a pic of the interview. this way you can identify me when we meet!


That is the funniest thing I’ve read for years. If not ever!!! LOL!!! Well: aside from Tom’s “Donkey Sh1t City, Republica de Las Paranoias” comment that is!!! LOL!!!


Too much!! LOL!!! ROFLMAO!!!

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You do of course realize that it’s only a matter of time before we both get banned here???


Mind you: with a face like mine??? Never gonna happen. Good for business!!! LOL!!!

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But before that happens can you not get me an introduction to Sona: