New trader, new broker..?

i recently started trading with a new broker called ITCFX. Im new to forrex and feel maybe it is a bit too good to be true, i have a very nice acount manager that really knows what she is doing, i have recevied amazing bonus’s and amazing deals on spreads, and have already started making profit, is it this good with every broker?
would be very grateful for your opinions.

I didn’t trade with this broker. I’m rookie too and I prefer to trade with other broker.

have you heard of itcfx before and there conditions?

Making money isn’t because your broker is being nice to you. It should be your expectation that you make money - probably you are doing well.

Stop advertising…

haha im defiently not advertisng this was a genuine question

Why is it that whenever someone mentions the name of a broker, that person seems to be advertising. I hate when some persons play the good guys and make others seem like the bad guys on forums. Even I love talking about my broker and I believe some people would love to call me an advertiser. Pathetic!