New Trader to Forex!

Hey y’all. I live in the US. New to trading, not investing. Looking to further my knowledge in the foreign exchange market and network. Have always heard people in my city talk about forex, but always thought it was another scam. I’ve since changed my mind after looking deeper into stocks. My goals in life are to start my own business.

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Well you have come to the right place to start your learning journey. Plenty of free courses. best of luck.

Welcooooome! :blush: I feel like you’re not completely on the wrong when you initially thought that forex is a scam based on what other people were saying. :sweat_smile: A lot of people on social media make forex out to be some kind of get-rich-quick scheme when it’s definitely not. :sweat_smile: It won’t be easy, but good luuuck! :blush: