New Trader, with MT4 Issues

Hi Traders,

I hope everyone is well in these uncertain times!

I am a new trader currently living in Canada but from New Zealand, I’ve been learning all the courses at BabyPips and regularly checking the forum for ideas and tricks for someone just starting out.

I’m just trying to get started with my demo trading account with the MT4 platform which I downloaded from a broker site I decided on, being on the Apple MacBook Air. The issue I’m having is that when I download the platform it will load to the home screen where it shows you charts etc. but instantly it will close and keeps doing this, I’ve deleted and re-downloaded about 10 times and tried downloading directly from MT4 also. / I was able to be on there once for about an hour the first time it downloaded and the second problem I encountered was I could not log into the MQL5 community (I’ve already registered and have an account), I would click log-in and it would take me to the right hand side of the screen with the magnifying glass/speech bubble and stay blank.

I was wondering if anyone has encountered similar problems before and has any ideas for a work-around.

I’m sorry for the big first message as my demo trading career hasn’t even gotten off the ground.

Anyway, I’m excited to be apart of the community and thank you to everyone that posts in the forum with there knowledge and ideas!



Hi and welcome :slight_smile: check this user guide how to install MT4 on MAC. Try to log in to MQL5 via other browser than safari. Regards Greg

Thanks Greg, i’ll Try this out again! Appreciate it

In case you are not able to login using the instructions shared above, you can just use web trader (if your broker provides that). It is a web form of MT4. MT4 is not made for Mac and hence you can either use web trader or you can use third-party software to download MT4 on your MAC.

Hey ProfesorPips; thank you I appreciate it! Bought a new, much needed laptop with windows 10 and started up great! Hope your trading is going well! Regards, Matt

Get your facts checked here @Micheal because with the followed up version for Mac, you really don’t need any extra software or any operating system. All you have to do is install the actual app.

The Mac version is way too hefty buddy. Like 200MB. So, superfast downloading is out of the picture and instead you get a more cumbersome software in hand.

Working fine for me though. I guess you need to check up with your broker once coz mine comes with impeccable functionality. Now we know the great analytical tools the software has and the Mac version I’ve downloaded at turnkeyforex comes with the same functionality. Same is true with hotforex. I’m one happy MT4 trader.