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Hello! I great you all . I hope I’m in the right way to understand all what I need to become trading master.

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And how long do you think it will take?

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Come to the right place you have.


Luke: I’m not afraid!

Yoda: You will be. You. Will be.


Whenever I hear a quote in Yoda speak, I can’t help being reminded of The Inbetweeners classic.

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Hiiii am I nid help …plizzzzzz

Post here details of what help you need.

Hi! This site is super helpful and filled with lots of traders that will answer your questions and provide advice along the way, so I’d say you’re definitely in the right place :grin:

Your other thread - about price action? Price action trading

What is it you want help with (and don’t ask if we can take it offline on WhatsApp :upside_down_face:

Welcome to babypips! You have chosen the right place to learn and grow. You can start with the school of pipsology to clear your basics and then, demo trade to get some practical knowledge.