Can anyone provide me with the link to the New User tutorial. I’ve been looking and can’t find it. Thank you.
You need to read the message that BPBot sent you and follow it from there
Good luck
Hello CyberRich,
As @fernan mentioned, check your Messages, found by clicking the Envelope icon under your Avatar in the top right corner of the website.
Once you’re there, open the Message with the subject Greetings!, automatically sent to you by BPbot when you registered.
Following the instructions presented to you by BPbot to get started with the new user tutorial. For anybody that doesn’t have the Greetings! message, simply send BPbot a new message with any subject and the following message: @BPbot start new user
You should receive a reply almost immediately to get started.
Speaking of badges, are they all working? It is a very minor point, but I thought I read about one for both giving and receiving 100 likes, but don’t think I have received it. Which is fine, but it makes me wonder if the badges are tracking properly? Sorry, am sure you’re busy with more important things (like, everything else!!), but thought you’d want to know the thought. Didn’t give this its own thread owing to its lack of foodchain importance.
Which you should have. Let me look into that for you. Thanks for your patience!
Please I want to be added to the forum
Hello @Johnsonbravo! You’re already here in the forum! Welcome!
Hello to everyone!
Provide me the link of the new users tutorial!
@DeirdreThomson7, I find the new user tutorial. I complete it. But I don’t get the badge. You can find it in your mail box!
I agree that books are the best source of information. But when it is about clearing doubts, I can’t think of a better way than babypips where I get to connect to several experienced traders.
Definitely @Nicholesram, the experience is the best guide so it is always better to get information based on experience rather than theory.
Learning is one thing but it is your experience that makes you a successful trader. As you start trading on the live market, you get well-versed with the market situations and prepare yourself for similar situations that may come in the future. You can make small investments to test your knowledge of the live market.
Start with the school of pipsology and then move ahead with creating your demo account. Along with learning, practising is also important. You need to understand what you are doing because that’s what makes you an intelligent trader.
I guess you need to check out the messages and from there on, you can go ahead.
The best learning resource that I can tell is definitely going to be the school of pipsology. It is the best place for you to understand forex basics and learn how you must take baby steps in the market to reach your financial goals.
hello @BPbot need help starting out
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @BPbot display help