New Years trading resolutions

Anyone have any resolutions for the new year specifically related to trading?

Here’s some I have:

  1. finish my mind-movie (elsewhere in Melting Pot) and begin utilizing it

  2. finish my second-read of Brett Steenbarger book, and then re-read Trading in the Zone (I wasn’t totally impressed with my first read on this one, but it seems to be highly recommended here on BP, so I’m gonna see if I’m in a different place since last time years ago…)

  3. re-read Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (2nd time) because I’m definitely in a new place since last read

  4. nail down a non-arbitrary stoploss strategy that I can have confidence in

  5. figure out how to execute my trading plan in perfect form every day, while also finding time to continue study/research (lack of time is always the issue… although I’ve already begun planting seeds with the wife about waking up at 3:15 heehee)

  6. have confidence to maximize my exposure/opportunity in the market, fully trading all the $$ I can get my hands on (maybe I should add here: brainwash self to believe rice&beans dinner is fine-dining)

  7. figure out how to keep my wife as excited about trading as I am (because ultimately I believe we would perform best as a team)

My new years resolution is to believe in myself… Especially when I tell myself to trade or else I’m going to suffer losses. :frowning: