New youngster hoping for a side hussle

I’m Daniel and in 2 months I will turn 18, I would love to be able to start saving some money so I can help my mom pay for my university. I am a hungry learner and I try to keep my ego at bay while learning. Hope we get to like eachother.

Peace Daniel

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Hi Deniel welcome to babypips. As a beginner you have to learn lots of different things from babypips learn section and use this forum wisely.

Best wishes for you.

FX trading is only a hussle for social media marketing gurus. They will focus on you being a young naive newbie. Ignore them, and focus on learning before earning. That should only take several months of hard work to become proficient. So swallow your ego and hit the green Education button above to start your journey.

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Welcome Daniel! Nice to see young newbie traders here. Start with the education section and take your time. Good luck on your trading journey!

you have two options:

  1. flush your money down a toilet.
  2. throw your money out an airplane window
  3. forex

choose carefully. :upside_down_face:

Start learning as soon as you can it is a trading journey it will take some time

Its rare to find anyone who feels comfortable drawing cash out of their trading account each month. My advice is to find some employment to give you some additional cash to live on. Maybe there are things you could sell or services you could offer if you want to free-lance.

Either way, don’t start trading until you have demo traded and are consistently profitable on demo.

Start off learning on a demo account and you will be ready to go live on your 18th birthday :slight_smile: