New Zulu SP Menayforex

Hi all first post on babypips been around for years but more reading then posting hehe
i just signed up to zulu as a service provider please follow my progress

ZuluTrade - Trader Performance - MenayForex

username: MenayForex

thanks for the support

experience in forex game 5 years i trade on a full time base mainly stretg" price action

Welcome firfirm in this forex community. I hope, you will share your experience with new traders and assist them.

3.844 pips in only one month? wow , those are excellent results. Though i must say that you are a risky provider with such a big drawdown. Nevertheless very good trading , bravo.

Thank you all fingers crossed :8:

Very good results in zulutrade indeed. Keep on trading like that and you will gain more followers including me. Happy New Year everyone and i wish you profitable trading in 2013!!

Hey, thank you for the insight!
you seem like a nice trader …i am following you on demo, as i want to wait for at least 8 weeks until I see a propper trading pattern being established :wink:
but so far results are really good :wink: congrtats :wink:

Why do you ruining your performance like that?You started very well , why so many trades open?..why?

why what happened my friend? who followed and disapointed you?
think about it it was a hard week coming back after the holidays …