Newbie but ready to make it happen

I’m Nas, 29 years old from Malaysia. I’ve been learning how to trade for only 2 weeks but I’m glad I met a friend who in my opinion has made it, and he suggested this website to me. So here I am, I know trading isn’t easy and there will be losses and challenges but I’m here to learn how to minimize that loss and make and informed decision everytime I press the buy/sell button. To be honest I’m still clueless but I believe I’m in the right place to learn the skill necessary and I’m ready as a person to learn and grow with it.

Not really expecting any responses, not even sure if I’m getting any, but hey if you’ve made it this far into this post, thank you so much. I wish you all the best and I hope you’ll wish me well too.

Hi there you talk alot of sense for a first post.Im sure you will get a few more responses.Its a gradual progression , the challenge is to become consistently profitable

Oh nice! How long has he been trading and what’s his trading lifesyle like? Always curious to hear about other people’s trading stories!

That mindset is exactly what will bring eventual success. Best of luck.