Newbie πŸ™‚ - Day one of many

My name is Hezekiah Ating (Hez), Nigerian Born Financial Service Provider , Blockchain Education Researcher, Content Creator and Freelance Writer. I’m also a screen god (Actor) , one thing I would do for free :smiley:

My experience in other sectors and industries (especially with Blockchain technology) has taught me the patience I know I would be needing to grow into a resilient, intentional, smart, courageous and a successful Forex Trader .

I draw my motivations and inspiration from friends and mentors and mostly from the fact that Forex trading in itself drives Financial Freedom. I wanna be financially free, travel the world and do good to as many people as I can, without having to take permissions from Bosses or plan on some paid 9-5 monthly salary :slightly_smiling_face: .

I hope to learn well and trade healthily.

That’s awesome! Def lots of hats you’re wearing! Which one’s your favorite job? :slight_smile: