Newbie from uk learning again

Have done bits and bobs in forex but want to start again from basics and learn properly.

Hey man, welcome. It’s a journey for sure!

How did you learn in the past?

Hi nice too speak with you, was from an Adam khoo course a friend showed me and bits and bobs from around the internet, but think I was running before I could walk. I didn’t even know about this site, seems very helpful. Just going through the basics with my notepad now :joy:.

Yea, lots to learn. They have a school if you want to start fresh with all the basics. You on demo already or just hitting the books?

Yeah Iv been using the one on the site at the minute, going too leave the demo account until a few weeks of learning this time I think :joy:.

demo is important but the result we get from demo actually not works when trading in a practice account.

Why is that?

learning and practicing at the same is really challenging. because its a combination .

Welcome to the community. What made you come back to trading?

Great observation about yourself.

Thankyou, things are seeming to make more sense this time around just focusing on education and just taking a little look at charts every now and then too correlate with what I’m learning. Can any one recommend any thread too follow?

Welcome! Sounds like you’re going about it the right way by coming here to start with the basics. I’m sure the info you learned in the past will help you along the way here and there.

What are you trying to learn? There are so many topics.

Some sort of day trading from someone who is kinda new or has just become profitable ideally, thanks for the reply.

I’d start going through the free forex strategies category.

Find a strategy that matches your personality. There are some good ones in there.

Hello, welcome to the forum! I hope this time it works out for you. A pro tip ; be patient and try to follow a plan. Learn as much as you can and focus on understanding market sentiment and psychology. Good luck!