Newbie here. I’m a printer by trade from the uk

Hi everyone. I think it’s time for change and love the challenge of something new. So here goes


Best of luck. Enjoy your time here, but there is no short cut to success.

Hi welcome to the forum!

Pardon but, in your topic is it a mistake? “a Printer” shouldn’t it be “a painter” I guess?

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Welcome! Be sure to complete Pipsology!

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@dushimes That makes sense :upside_down_face:

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Welcome to the forum! Good luck and keep grinding.


this is very common issue and general speech but really effective , but newcomers always looking for a short cut way of learning from trading.

Welcome! Always nice to learn new skills, especially when they can help make money!

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No haha. I’m a flexographic printer I run huge machines printing food packaging for companies all around Europe. It’s a trade not many think off so it’s also one of the best paid :blush:

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Welcome @badmanc . Hope you stick around. Most newbies disappear just as I start thinking I’ve made friends with them…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Hey there! Wishing you all the patience you need to make it big in the market, stay patient and learn to upgrade skills and knowledge.