Newbie here...soon to be a Pro

Hi y’all,

Thought I’d introduce myself to y’all. Looking to learn as much as possible and then dive in the deep end.

Thank you!

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most welcome in this community , this place is full of education , i hope you will be educated from there.

hi and welcome . happy trading

Hi and welcome :slight_smile: good luck in this long journey Regards Greg

you can start with psychology of school including a practice account , this is a perfect combination for the beginners level we have in online.

most of the time i have seen newcomers only finish the school level for 1 time but this education level should finish minimum for 2-3 times .

Learning alone won’t be enough. You need to study and build up a log of data that provides evidence to you that you have a strategy that will win over time. Without that the psychology of this will ruin you.


Thank you so much

Thanks a lot!

Thanks Greg!

Love it and thanks

What a cool nugget. Thanks

Thank you for your wisdom and will be sure to make sure that I have that strategy to win over time.

Welcome to the community! If you do want to become a pro one day, then I hope to see you stick around! :grin:


Take your time and ensure you test thoroughly. There’s no rush.