Newbie here. Where do I start lovely people?

Call me Naz

I’m a fish fresh out of the water and the language of understanding the stock market as well as forex has peeked my attention with the current inflation state of this American economy. I wanna be able to navigate the situation by gaining adequate knowledge for my safety.

If anybody can assist me at the start of my learning process it would be much appreciated. Thank you :pray:t5:

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Hello and welcome, be prepared, 95%+ of people fail to be profitable for four plus consecutive years or longer, if they survive that long at all.

But forex is a lot of fun, if you respect the beast :slight_smile:

Press the green education button above and begin your journey. Best of luck.

Welcome! You’ll learn so much from the education section of babypips. Also, the community here is great and always ready to help newbies. Best of luck!