Hi, I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction?
Would love to learn the basics, and get into it.
Ive looked into binary options, just wondering if this is the same?
Hi, I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction?
Would love to learn the basics, and get into it.
Ive looked into binary options, just wondering if this is the same?
The de facto response is to check out the babypips school, the thing about this site is that everything is free of charge - a site by traders for traders, be they newbies or otherwise.
Thanx guys
The right direction? Well, go to the Amazonas river, find a spot infested with piranhas and take a swim, that is nothing compared to the pain of trading. Start with handling loses and coping with negative emotions, they cannot be controled but the effect can be minimized. Big mistakes that 95% of traders make:
[B]- Searching for infalible 100% accurate strategies.[/B] That does not exist and who claims to have it is a BIG liar who risk 100 pips expecting to earn just 5. The minimun requires is an accuracy of 25%
[B]- Relying on Indicators only.[/B] I am not precisely a friend of indicators but the BIG mistake traders do is to use indicators as a service signal and they just trade blindly. If you are into indicators remember the key is not haveing the best indicator, the key is the use you make of it. Remember that everyone else is watching the same so your task is to add to it your personal mark, try to see with the indicator that everyone is using something that they are missing, that is your edge.
[B]- Losing Self Awareness.[/B] Biggest mistake that all of us make, yeah, me included, the only difference between you and me is that I have a systems protecting me from my own stupidity. You have to be very disciplinated and avoid overtrading. Overtrading is the worst thing that any trader must deal with, if you are a drug adict or know someone who is, you know that very few junkies graduates from rehab, the few who actually acomplishes they will admit one refall after another and the only real cure for them was to go back to the support group over and over. Overtrading is a hell came true, i really don’t desire it to anyone but sadly it happens to all of us.
Good money management… so important!
Read what you can about money management as it’s the number one thing that makes a good trader.
Thirding or fourthing that money and risk management are integral to success for any forex trader. Everything else is cake compared to the crap your own brain throws at you.
2 things
Spend time looking for the right strategy
Then learn about money management
You can clarify everything if you completed babypips course. Don’t be hurry to get on the train.Good luck.