Newbie in trading from India

Hello everyone! I am from India. Aged 30. Working a 9-5 job. I am here to learn trading. To make money and feel a little good about myself that I can do things which are difficult for others.
There are a lot of restrictions in india w.r.t forex trading as per my little bit research. I hope to learn and earn on this journey to the end of the line. Consider me a newbie. Don’t know anything about forex trading. Have a small capital of 2.5 Lakhs INR (Equals 3000$ USD Approx.). Willing to contribute equivalent to 300 USD a month from my salary to grow the account. I am a maths guy and believe in the law of large numbers and probabilities. Hope to learn from here everything that is on the table.


I advise you to think about investing.

Trading should be fun then! But also I’ve read about the restrictions on trading in India, unsure how people are able to trade currencies over there!