Newbie introduction

Hey guys I’m kinda new here name’s Jonathan I’m from Uganda hoping to learn the business so as to pursue my dreams and make my fham proud…:blush:

Welcome. Start your education journey by hitting the green button above. There’s no short cut to success. Best of luck.

You are in the right place! If you have any questions just ask, there are lots of experienced traders here who are happy to help. Best of luck on your new journey.

Welcome to the community, Jonathan. Good luck on your fx trading journey. Hope to hear more from you.

Welcome welcoooome. :blush: It won’t be an easy journey, but I hope you stay motivated until you eventually become a profitable trader. :smiley: Good luuuck!

Educational section can help you to learn many new things about trading.

Hey hey, total Newbie, why forex? I’ve looked at it here and there since there were infomercials for it when I was a kid. I always thought I’d try it, just never did. Why now? Inhale some extra income I want to make work for me. Why babypips? I was referred by TradeModeJames. My dream? To free myself from the stresses of office politics and use my brain to earn my living instead if my back.

I’m glad TMJ recommended I sign up. Ingiro to learn with you guys and start making money at this at some point…we are in a gig economy supposedly right? Why else??? It sound like a load of fun. Compared to the stock market…volume, volatility, and price action baby!!! I like when my market isn’t being manipulated by the hedges. Not saying this is all gold and rose petals and happiness, but I like the idea of being able to make a few trades here and there, and see some return without having to wait for some sort if huge news to move my stocks in the direction I need.

I played poker semi-pro for years. I say semi pro because poker only made for 30-40% of my income, and stocks feel like molasses compared to whatsoever seen and heard on forex.

Good luck to all and I hope to make money with all of you.

:v: the.Chizzzzz

Oh yeah, I have a verbosity problem…sorry.