Newbie joining the trading scene

Hi I’m Khelan, 26 from NZ

Very fresh to the trading scene but have always wondered about it, really just want to make enough money one day to leave my job, hopefully get to learn all the in and outs and make some $$$

But till then shall be in the patient stages of learning.

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It’s better to focus on how not to lose money, as this will be your toughest challenge. FX trading is a zero sum venture, You either win or you lose. And there’s another trader somewhere on the planet who will be trading the exact opposite to you who really just wants to make enough money one day to leave his/her job.

Best of luck.

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Welcome to the community, Khelan! Enjoy the free trading materials here. Good luck and looking forward to your progress!

Welcome to the community, Khelan. Yes just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.