Newbie learner from Papua New Guinea

I’m from Papua New Guinea. I’ve always been interested to learn how to trade but I could never figure out where to start. A colleague of mine recently shared how to go about it and told me about this site. I’m excited to learn and I look forward to the experience.


Welcome aboard. Focus on learning from this great education site and practice on a demo account for a few months. See how it goes, if it suits you and your lifestyle. In the morning you’ll be trading the Asian session followed by London session in the evening - that is, if you are living in Papua New Guinea.

best of luck.


Welcome to the community, @HumbleHula. Start with the education section here. Then as you go along, open a demo account to practice what you’re learning. Good luck on your fx trading journey.


Thank you🙏

Welcome! This site helped me out a ton in the beginning and still does, plus it probably has the best, most active community of all the other similar forums, so people are always available to help with specific questions. Wishing you luck on your trading journey!

Hi, now that you are on the right track with your learning, keep patience and go through each topic actively. Any chapter can come up as a challenge if not learnt well.

Hello and welcome to the community! Babypips is undoubtedly a great place for you to learn and develop an understanding of the market. You can also find out about what other traders have been doing.

Hey, welcome to the forum! Learn well and keep us posted with what you have been doing. I hope you enjoy discussions with senior traders to get the right guidance.

Hello and welcome. You’ve come just to the right place. Babypips is the perfect place for beginners to learn.

Welcome. YouTube is a good place to start, as well as the education section on this site.

Good day and welcome! Babypips is a great platform for beginner traders to learn. I hope your experience is fantastic and that you learn a lot from this place. Trading is a tough job and please take it seriously. Remain disciplined and focus on your plans. Don’t ever let greed get into your head. Good Luck.

Hey newbie, keep this attitude and you will be able to overcome everything that comes your way. Just don’t try to take any shortcuts and stick to what you have planned.

Hey there newbie. Welcome here. This place is all you need to learn about forex trading. Remember to stay diligent when studying and practise in the demo account for at least 6 months before starting to trade live.