Newbie looking for Experience

Hi I go by Violeta and I’m really happy to be here right now. A place where I can learn from a community that starts with a free course :pray:. I’m looking forward to learning and growing with everyone. I’ve been trying to learning the ropes with Trading on my own and it have been difficult but interesting to give up. So again Hi And hello I hope we all get what we deserve.

Welcome aboard. Take it easy, one step at a time, see if trading FX suits you and your lifestyle. Practice and experiment on a demo account and enjoy your time on this great education site.

Best of luck.

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Welcome, be prepared for a long and challenging road.

hi and welcome, i hope for the best for you , happy trading, always remain cool

hi and welcome , stay cool.

beginners always try to gather experience with very short time, but in practical this is almost impossible.

there is no short cut way of learning and earning in this market place , everything relates with long time process. so keep patience first of all.

success is really a long time issue in real as well trading life. for that reason after passing sometime traders lost interest. this is the true fact.