Newbie making money daily

Let’s face it…it is YOU that have stooped so low, the thread is inert…it cannot make decisions…YOU can and you decided to stoop low and rather than taking the responsibility for it…you make it so that the fault lies with the thread…Wake Up !!!

This is typical of a would be trader that will blame the whole world for his losses…the wisest thing he can do is to leave the market before he becomes another statistic.

TRADERS…if there is just ONE thing you can take away from here…do not stoop so low as to blame anything and everything for your losses, you will continue to trade in the dark hole of confusion and chaos.

Learn to accept the responsibility for your own actions and go placidly into the market to make calm decisions in the face of adversity…this one characteristic that you can have built up as a TRADER will go a long way as the foundation of your trading success…be calm and collected…tranquil in your choice…clear in your decisions and take responsibility at all times.

I wish you blue skies and tailwinds in your trading journey

Look chap, you are boring just about everyone here: The day I think my trading is chaos will be the day I don’t bother coming here and don’t bother trading anymore. Nobody is blaming you for anything, they are just calling you out on your scam. You need to wake up and treat the horrifying case of verbal diarrhea you seem to have acquired since starting this thread. You said you were not going to post here anymore - how about doing just that? You are welcome here about as much as Rolf Harris is welcome at a kindergarten.

One last thing (if you really insist on posting again)

Who is OptionKing (user on here, or another of your accounts)

Seems to have posted a lot of pictures that have your name (Patrick Sim) in them, I would be pretty worried if I didnt have two accounts, slight case of identity theft?

This thread is a joke.

Your reaction is typical of someone who got hit hard by the market and is still reeling from the effects so it is completely understandable.

I wish you better luck next time you decide to step into that daunting domain…I suggest you leave the market completely but if you can’t because you have lost too much at least be calm and collected and try to make clear decisions and know and understand that after all…you are your own enemy and not the people you blame…they have no part in all the wrong decisions you have been making and all the wrong ones you will make in the future.

Yes Patrick I have been hit hard by the market and I have blown my account, now I have no money left and nothing better to do than to be mean to poor old Hedge Fund Manager Patrick Sim

Answer my questions instead of avoiding them Patrick

Or maybe you refuse to because then yet more people will see you for what you are?

Oh and have you set up your managed funds office in Singapore? I am still waiting for the address and company name so I can report you to the relevant authorities

Look mate, as everyone has said so far you are boring us all now…

You claim to have this amazing system and claim to have just about everything but everytime soemone asks you about it you clam up and come up with all this nonsense you post here
You are a broken record
Firstly I want to say that we are all here to support one another, but for the likes of you you will be your own donwfall and please let me hear how bad a trader I am etc etc and how I been burnt and how I must pack up and leave, the reason why I am still here to be honest is because I have made my trading work for me not the other way around.
I have no problem posting myfxbook here for you and all to see, yes I have had my losing trades, yet my winning trades take care of that.
My losses are minimal and my wins are acceptable.
From the first time you posted here you literally buy 1 to 10 lots a go and make a silly 2 pip if that before you close the trade, where as more of us so called losers as you call us we actually need only open 0.01 of a lot and still make more per trade then you can.
You might have a good track record if you can call it that which I doubt but you literally risk all on one trade where as I dont need to.
For once put your money where your mouth is and show us your own account where your wins and losses are displayed until then I doubt any one here are gonna take you seriously.

Also I know I wrote alot here now so I am sorry if by some chance Google translate takes a while to put this into your own language for you so I am sorry for that, maybe try learning to speak to people first before you try and take over the world.

PS if you want to name drop here and use people to to sell your strategy make sure you know them atleast as honestly I doubt you even know a bar of soap…

If you are what you claim you are then either prove it or why even bother talking or replying to us lower class people.

Patrick Sim your mother must be so proud of you

Instead of fighting here and there, bringing in mothers into the equation and building up all the negativity, lets add value by showing us your method in detail.

We will then verify it, and if it works, we make money, you make money and we all happy.

Nothing to explain here though as Master001 or Patrick Sim or Babybuttfly or whatever he wants to call himself does infact NOT have a system he follows.

You cant make money with the guy as he does not even know how this system works as per his first few posts and also he cant explain it as he was taught by some clever monk somewhere in the mountains in peru where donkeys drink whiskey and horses ride humans.

And surely if he teaches you his amazing system then how would he be able to get his grubby little hands on your money?

Anyway, we have seen Patrick Sim in action for a while now and I can only imagine how good he can be if he actually does something rather then try getting a couple dollars from stealing
But hey if he can feed his 12 children of $2 then yayness for him

Again you must have such proud family

I see that he finally has been banned. Let’s hope this is the end of the silliness and that people have learned a thorough lesson in how to spot a scam. My goodness he has got thick skin or is simply just thick.

He has many ids…
Babypips needs those “ip bans” like some IMs…
SO that all the ids created from that ip can be banned simultaneously.

…Yess…we must not doubt Master’s capability…Yessss

The only thing that there is little doubt over is the similarity of your posts to Babybuterfly’s posts.

Sounds kind of cult-ish.
When do you guys plan on drinking the kool-aide?

Same group of 1?

This means nothing? I might saveas and put this into photoshop to further his claims. maybe links to people’s myfxbook accounts are legit but, even then, fairly questionable.

Bamboo Capital Pte Ltd is an Exempt Fund Manager (“EFM”). We are exempt from holding a
Capital Markets Services Licence under paragraph 5(1)(d) of the Second Schedule to the
Securities and Futures Regulations. The Monetary Authority of Singapore does not endorse
the activity of Bamboo Capital in any way.

So no valid licence from Government…scam al over the place

How many more months until this thread hits 50,000 views, even though it’s just member after member continuing to attack butterfly?

The best way to attack people, if you weren’t aware of it, is not to attack.
Don’t do anything.
Don’t post.

If you see someone who you feel is trolling or scamming, don’t post a reply in their thread.
Simple as that.


It looks like Master will be crowned the King of Forex.

Easy 5 pips in just 15 minutes.

Hi how can we learn your butterfly strategy please

Great !!! But how does your statement help other newbees ? Please give complete details of the startegy that you had learnt from the Banned persons. This would help. Thanks for the message .
22 July 2015