Newbie making money daily

Ha… where did you pluck that figure out from. It shows you are either ignorant or a complete newbie.

At last count there were more than 120,000 players in the competition worldwide

Bull Crap buddy I dont know who you are trying to fool here? But it definitly aint one of us…

You will always be but a baby butterfly who wont ever spread your wings far enough to fly especially when you carry on like this sucking figures and names out your thumb…

I will show you a screenshot of some random thing I found online and say this is my company’s profile with 7 gazillion wins and 1 loss and we are number 1 in the world check this space

This guy has about 10 accounts on this forum, and at least 1 more thread like this one, none of it providing any use.

With a score range so large for top 10 its pretty much impossible for there to be any decent competition

And you seem to have picked this figure out of thin air, theres no table of competitors (just a top 5 with scores ranging from 60 down to 1!!!) so how on earth do you know whether theres only 20 entrants or not? You may claim to be amazing at forex but you somehow seem to lack any form of basic intellect

This thread and Baby ButtFly have been reported so many times.

Although with the amount of views it’s been getting (and hence ad revenue) it’s no surprise that BabyPips is turning a blind eye.

I thought he was gone for good based on his farewell posts. I guess not.

“Baby Butt Fly” Hahaha! That’s awesome. I will use that from now on! It is really fitting :stuck_out_tongue:

Ps: What ad revenue are you referring to? I haven’t seen any ads on Babypips, at least not in the Forums.

21 days left on the countdown.

Master001 is still at the top position and looking great

JM has moved up to the 5th position and this is a newbie and she is awesome.

There’s ads everywhere lol. You must have Adblock installed in your browser.

At Butterfly Forex Traders this is just exactly how we trade the market… Calm…Focussed and Controlled.

How do you trade the markets?? it much like this ??.. Wet…Wild and Unpredictable ??

Nah, that’s just a before and after of your clients’ finances before you get your grubby hands on them.

You realize that you are getting sniped at for every comment you made?

Just tell us the method, we verify that it works and this will stop the negative comments once and for all.

Unless, of course, there is no method but a scam.

Eh, it just looks like a simple butterfly option spread to me. There is nothing special about it.

It looks like he risks the whole account on each trade and takes commission on each win until he blows up the account. Then he moves on to the next victim.

There is no financial risk to himself, and he can go for a decent winning streak if he trades the butterfly spread at a low volatility time. His “edge” is the fact that he makes money when he wins and doesn’t bleed cash when he loses, as he trades with client funds.

Otarefson, you pretty much nailed it on the head about this whole thread in your last line: “There is no method but a scam.” I am amazed it has gone this long. If only he put this much effort in actual trading, my goodness, he could actually make legit money rather than bad karma money. Oh well, to each their own I suppose.

17 days to run on the countdown clock and Master001 is still at the top with number 2 far far behind.

JM has slipped a few spots down

It does not matter at all what anyone says or think…that is the great feeling you can only get when you are trading in a Calm…Focused and Controlled environment and making money with every single trade.

The nasty comments comes from those trading in total chaos…so it is completely understandable for the way they react.

Well said and you nailed it right on the head. !!!

Except for the fact that you do not make money with what ever you are doing as it is kind of hard funding accounts when you make up your 10 friends on your friend list.

But as I said, glad you are making good trades, imagine one day the banks might even buy these chocolate coins from you for your efforts…Fingers crossed

Please tell me you have joined his awesome system or site or company or whatever it is he has going?
And please tell me you also live in Singapore just to make my day

And please please tell me you know how to use this system?
As I am sure he has taught you well

An example of a trader so lost in confusion that he will hit out at anyone doing well on the market. What he does is completely stupid but as he is losing all his money to the market this behavior is well understood by the calm effective and successful trader

Thats no way to talk about your mum

Yes, the quality of this thread has stooped this low