Newbie making money daily

Options and spots…ie forex are the same thing.

There are those that will mislead you by saying they are completely different and is an arena of its own.

These people don’t know what they talk about.

Options are the derivative of spots which is the underlying. Understanding the relationship and understanding how it works gives one the advantage to be able to glean profits from the market on a daily basis…THAT after all is the bottomline we all want.

We had a new trainee sign up from Brazil and was so very lucky enough to have been apprenticed to our TOP Butterfly. Mister 001 himself.

This is the record of first 2 days of instructional trading.

2 full weeks… 5 trading days a week… all winners, all profits.

Everyday a winner.

One cannot argue against results.

To answer those that started to bad mouth the system and the Butterfly Forex Group…understand this…if you get to be apprenticed to a Butterfly Trader you get to learn the system and to work it correctly FREE of charge. There is no fee so those who bad mouthed ar just telling lies.

There are conditions though and if one is not willing to accept these conditions then just move on and find some other method to trade.

One condition is you must commit 3 years to learning the system…this is not something you can learn in 3 minutes. If you’re looking for a 3 minute system…again…move on and find it elsewhere.

Another condition is that you will not be allowed to trade for the first 3 months, you just have to watch. The reason is simple you trade right off and you lose everything, you might think you are smart enough to know it all in under 2 minutes…the reality is you don’t know enough to survive in the market.

These are the tWo main reasons people get rejected.


If you please pm me with the link and how can i join and learn

Sent you a PM

Why does everything have to be done via PM? Why can’t it be taught here? And is there a picture of all the trades from start to end? Certainly smells fishy when you show all the trades consecutively, and then stop and are now only showing Apr 3 trades.

Ok…just pass over and give this strategy a miss.

Wrapping up another good week.

So far a 100% success rate…every trade ends in profit.

Everyday is profitable

This is the Butterfly

hey can u send me a pm with link for the group?:slight_smile:

Sent you a PM with the link.

but i must say that i dont understand the strategy so far :smiley: how can i use ist for spot forex?

can u please explain a bit more?

Another trading day for the Brazilian apprentice under Mister001

The total activity over 2 full weeks. That is 10 trading days.

Total of 560 pips booked.

Profitable on 100% of trades. Everyday a winner. 65 trades … not a single loser.

Bad mouth it to your heart’s content, it is still a winner…Bottomline.

Rookie trades under Master001 for 2 days.

138 pips in 2 days. All trades winners

Let me start by saying this is just my opinion. Others are entitled to look at it completely differently and I would appreciate hearing other perspectives. I must admit that I find this thread particularly offensive and “Madam Butterfly” singularly obnoxious, but there are others which also evidence a disturbing trend at the site.

My understanding of the original mission of BP was to create an open, sharing forum where no one found it necessary to claim the grail or “100% winners” because no one was selling/promoting anything. When you’re selling something, you need to pump it up and appeal to the baser human interests. In the marketing world, these strategies are known as “psychological hooks.” Contrarily, the idea of BP was to humble ourselves before the unpredictable power of the markets and join together lest we be swept away. Within that framework of humility in sharing was the notion of tiers, i.e., the FX-Men, Honorary FX-Men, etc., rankings presumably based on experience and contributions. Implicit in those rankings is the thought that, although none of us know much, some of us know more than others, and, collectively, we know a lot and can be of service to others. Excuse me if I sound paternal, but, to me, there is also a protective element imbedded in that tiered relationship, meaning that those who have been to more than one rodeo might be able to offer some advice that would keep someone else from getting gored by a bull. If all this sounds naïve, tough potatoes, it is the world as I have chosen to see it.
I know we can’t hold everyone’s hand and guide them through the forex world, otherwise known as the fires of hell. In fact, we wouldn’t want to usurp anyone’s free will, including the freedom to be stupid, a freedom I have exercised often. On occasion, however, I have had the good fortune to involve myself with someone who had a genuine interest in me and my success. They offered wisdom that “from many a foolish notion” freed me. Saved me money, time, humiliation, and that unique despondency that comes when you throw your heart into something and it gets eaten.
The disturbing trend I see strikes me as a fundamental betrayal of the BP egalitarian underpinnings. It involves hidden motives, an unwillingness to disclose, a “bait and switch.” It uses BP as a launching platform for personal interests. It says, “For all these reasons, I just can’t be open and straightforward about what I’m up to, but if I can lead you over here or over there, somewhere other than this somewhat protected environment, I stand a better chance to take you down.” These threads include ones like this where the author claims to be just so ignorant and knocking out 100% winners. But, they also include those that offer a completely free system/indicator/ea that you quickly discover only works on demo. Oh, you have to pay for the one you can actually use. They include free signals that, all at once, aren’t free anymore. In general, they include any gimmick, lie, half-truth, secret, or unwillingness to share that someone can come up with.

i really admire your patience; really.
instead of suggesting to the wise guy to go back himself you are writing down all these indisputable arguments.

he is a lucky one that it happened to be you that confronted him.

Me too please?

Guys, I’ve been around Babypips for ages and seen a lot of scams and scammers in my time but…

I googled Butterfly trading and gave it a go and this stuff really works!!!

Check out my account statement:

I trade…I book…I post

I’m gonna probably set up my own Facebook or twitter account. You can follow me there because I don’t want to share it here. It’s going to be totally free but maybe after a while I will need start trying to get money from you so that we don’t get swamped by trolls and stuff.



If you please pm me with the link and how can i join and learn

Sent you a PM…alternatively you can FaceBook search for the Butterfly Forex Group