Newbie of the newbies!

Hi guys! So i’m new here and i must say, i’ve been apprehensive in taking this step till today. I really want to know what this world of forex is all about and equally see what i can contribute to it, even as i make use of the opportunities as well. Surely will need your help and support.

Let’s do this!

Welcome. Being apprehensive is an ideal mindset, because you will stop and think before making rash trades, risking too much and blowing your account

But first, learn how to trade properly by pressing the green education button above and begin your journey. It’s FREE so no need to be apprehensive…

Welcome to the community, @khobbie. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

There are so many ways that can be taken to make money. But because you have chosen forex trading, make sure that you put your effort in the right direction. Every trade will come as a challenge and make you realize whether you are doing the right thing or not. Learn from every trade you make.