Newbie , pls don’t haste to trad

I lost my account while in haste to trade. I never followed the rules​:sob::sob:, sad as a bitch, I’ve learnt my lesson.
NB• don’t rely on people’s signal

Ouch! Sorry to hear about what happened. Did you have any fx knowledge at all when you started?

I was still in pipsology sch :sob::sob::sob: my ■■■■■■■ mistake, but it’s just a motivator to get my money back, I need a mentor please :sob::sob::sob::pray::pray::pray:

but it’s just a motivator to get my money back

Don’t think about it like this. When you trade from a position of fear (of losing your money) or greed (of wanting to get lost money back) your judgement will be clouded. Consider the lost money tuition paid to the market and move on. It’s not the last time you will lose money. I’ve lost track of how many accounts I’ve blown over the last 10 years…talk to most traders that have stuck around for that long and they’ll say the same.

You were probably over-leveraged, under-funded, and over-confident. Seek to understand how to fix those.

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Thanks sir, can you be my mentor and guide me​:pray::pray::sob::sob::sob:

One of the most important rules is to learn how trade for yourself…

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Yeah that’s right, can you be my mentor ?

Be your own mentor. You have an internet connection and nothing but time.
So, seek out every single possible piece of education on trading that exists.

There are free pdf versions of trading books.
Articles written by professional traders.
YouTube channels where you can learn everything and more.

It’s all about how much time and effort you put into becoming a professional.
Re-read that: In order to make money trading over any extended period of time, you need to become a professional.

Think of your favorite sport or musician or chef. If you wanted to do what they do, would you be able to do it overnight? In 1 year? 2 years? 3, 4, 5, 6? See what I’m getting at. It takes YEARS worth of mistake after mistake after mistake to get to a place where you’ve peeled back enough layers of the onion and you’re left with who you truly are.


Thanks, any recommendation?

You need to work on your trading strategy and be more confident about the trades you place, gradually you will learn and you can do the demo trading first to improve your knowledge. Don’t worry you’ll learn. good luck!

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You can start with some videos from one of BP’s well respected members The Scruffy Trader. He shares a lot of helpful information, he’s not trying to sell anything, and it’s free.

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Hi! I suggest that you first finish the course available here, on babypips, before moving on to something else.

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Oh no. :frowning: I’m so sorry this happened! :frowning: I try to stay away from signal providers cause I tried it out once and it didn’t work for me. :confused: I know you can bounce back from this! I’ll be cheering for you! :blush: Maybe try demo trading for now? :open_mouth:


True, signal providers that offer something that works are very, very rare. Never mind the free ones, even the paid ones are mostly dubious.

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Yay. Sorry to hear about that. Please educate yourself first and try to finish the School here. There are no simple ways to make money in forex. Take your time learning. Good luck!

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I hate to hear that. I’ve been down that road. What really helped me is institutional trading. Learn how to find structure and how to place your trades around it. If you invest in the same areas as the big institutions you’re guaranteed to win some trades
I hope this helps you because it helped me. :grin: