I guess what I want to know in that case is why people have different explanations of margin as above? Will I go from one platform where the margin is as per example 4 then jump on to another platform and they do it differently as per one of the other examples?
Forget the margin, this will only come into play if one, you don’t set a stop loss or two, you massively over leverage!. Simply calculate what percentage of your balance you are willing to risk per trade and using the BP calculator work it out in pips and set a stop loss to that pip level. At its simplest, you might decide to set a SL at 1% of balance. Next dependant on your time frame you scale the trade to fit a suitable SL. 5m might be say 15 pips at the other end daily might be 100 pips. As long as the SL does not exceed (in this example) 1% of balance… you will not need to consider ‘margin call’.
EDIT: If your even considering margin call when entering a trade… err… your doing something fundamentally wrong! LOL!!!