Newbie to Baby Pips

Hi there traders, my name is MassinaWP and from Papua New Guinea. I’m a total newbie. Forex trading was introduced to me by a friend 6months ago and just observed overtime and well, here I am now. Keen to learn and understand the basics of baby pips and forex trading. I’ve never been more motivated.

Hope I can be a good student :pray:t4::smiley:

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Welcome aboard this great education site While learing the basics over several months you could open a demo account from a regulated broker to practice on.

best of luck.

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Love the spirit! :blush: I hope you keep that motivation all throughout your learning journey. :smiley: It won’t be easy and it can be very complicated at times. But don’t hesitate to ask us here if anything’s confusing to you! :blush: Good luuuck!