Newbie to babypips

Hey everyone , I am a newbie to forex and looking to expand. I want to learn how to trade independently and make money. I am a mother of 3 beautiful babies and I definitely know learning this method will benefit my children and bring me much success. I look forward to learning new things with you all !

That’s your sole focus, and let rewards, if any, take care of themselves.

most welcome in baby pips community, have a good knowledgeable journey

you have a very nice family and lots of love for your babies. Welcome to this community.

you can start with psychology of school which really supportive for the beginners.

Hello and welcome to the community! Take your time and be patient in this journey. There’s just so much to learn and take in. Good luck!

Welcome to the community, @PembertonJ. Just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.