Newbie to the field

Hi all, I’m Sarb. I’m a complete newbie to forex and wanted to know what it’s all about before I put my money where my mouth is. I joined this forum because it looks like a great place to learn and meet like minded people with more experience than me who might be able to guide me.

I live in London, UK and currently working as a psychotherapist, which will hopefully be useful for the psychological aspects of trading (so I’ve heard).

Generally, I love the outdoors, walking, hiking, climbing and rowing. Most of those I havent done since I was at school (which was a long time ago now), but I do still love them. I’m also an avid reader, enjoy great movies and have an ecclectic musical taste.

I look forward to interacting with you all in the coming days, months, years.

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Welcome to babypips!
You seem to have the emotional aspect of trading covered - a wrong trade can be quite jarring!
So, may I invite you to the School of Pipsology and the rest of this forum…
See ya around :slight_smile:

Hi @Sarbjit .

I’m also a UK trader and hiking is one of my favourite pastimes when I’m not stuck in front of a screen (playing ARMA3). I live not far from Dartmoor - brilliant for getting away from it. Getting back up there wild camping in a few weeks.

hi and welcome . hope for the best

this community is really appropriate for the traders who are beginners. enjoy the environment

most welcome in Baby Pips community , have a very good journey