Hello all. I’m new here. I was head hunted to work for a forex company abroad, more for my language skills than my forex knowledge. The company showed me this site to learn so I can do my job properly. I hope to become an expert so I can help clients in my country and if I do leave the company becomes an IB or Trader myself.
Hello and welcome to the BabyPips.com community!
While you weren’t initially hired to trade forex, hopefully you’ll grow to like the industry and stick around. Good luck and don’t hesitate to hit us up if you have any questions!
Thank you team
I’m learning at the moment. I find it fun and very informative. This is like Currency Trading for Dummies, no insult intended, I meant the way the site is making things easy for people to understand.
Thanks again.
None taken! In fact, we’d like to keep it as newbie-friendly and entertaining as possible while imparting important knowledge on forex basics. See you around!