Newbie to Trading

Hello Everyone,

I am a proud Army wife from New Jersey but currently based out in Stuttgart, Germany. For the past two years, I’ve been a stay at home mom/wife due to Lupus (SLE) and kidney disease. I’ve recently been looking for work I can do at home, (and on my own time) and my husband suggested I look into trading. After looking at various videos on trading, I found Forex. Forex has definitely been the one I’m most drawn to and I’m so eager to learn! I hopped on the MT4 Demo app after watching a few Forex traders on YouTube. Though I’d say I did pretty good for a newbie, I still don’t understand much. Another YouTuber suggest babypips so I’m here and ready to soak in every bit of info you guys have to offer.

welcome :slight_smile:

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Welcome and good luck!

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Welcome! Have you found your way to the BabyPips school of Pipsology as yet? It can seem intimidating at first but take it one lesson at a time and pretty soon you’ll get the hang of it. Ask any questions you have on the forum and you’ll get help.

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