Hi guys im shaun from south africa. I am totally new to forex trading and it seems i have found the right community to grow and become a successful forex trader.
Due to covid restrictions kicking in last year April i lost my job and had to look for alternate ways of making money to make ends meet. I started wasting my money on bitcoin schemes and all sorts of nonsense. I eventually tried my hand at trading signals.
It worked well but i wanted to know how i can do it myself and i wanted to learn the trade. Spending many hours on you tube i finally realized it was not the way to learn and i started looking for something more.
My friend who has been trading for about a year now referred me to Babypips so here i am. Starting my journey as a freshman forex trader.
I would love to trade forex and make a living from it as you can trade anywhere in the world. All you need is a phone or tablet and a internet connection and you can trade.
It also gives you freedom to work from home and spend more time with your family.
So thats basically it. I am aiming to substitute my work with trading so that i can work where i want to. Go camping more and work from home and spend more time with my family.
Thanks for having me over and giving me a chance to grow in the forex world.