Newbie trader looking to gain knowledge

Hi there peeps newbie trader here looking to learn all I can soak up

Hi there new to this part of the process, though I have dabble with demos once or twice. Much to extrapolate I’m sure.

So, I’m going through a journey with price action predictions [long story] and I soon discover there’s so much in between that I don’t know. So its led me hear. May it be a fruitful relationship…

It’s order flow that moves price - price doesn’t move on its own, So it’s important to analyse where losing traders are likely to close their accounts, or get stopped out. Winning traders can wait and see.

So, instead of trying to predict price action look further into where the chart is moving to - it could be a support and resistance zone, a new high or low, or even a supply and demand area. This gives a better idea where to place a T/P which, IMO, is crucial to identifying successful trades.

Best of luck.