Hey there!
My advice to you is open a demo account ASAP and play along as you go through the school. Make sure you go through the school a FEW times because some of the earlier lessons make a lot more sense after you’ve actually gone through the motions!
Welcome to the site. I would definately open a demo right away just so you can play around with the interface you want to use. Get a feel for how to draw the trendlines, MA’s Fibo, etc. You will get a feel for your platform while learningfrom the school and who knows you might even stumble across a nice idea for a system :). I wouldn’t worry about making winning trades because you can always reset your balance anytime you want to any amount you want. Atleast on Oanda you can which is what I use.
Why are you waiting? Open a demo now. Get stupid with it. Do everything that you know you shouldn’t do and do things that you don’t know you shouldn’t do. When you blow that account away then get serious and open an account with the amount that you plan on going live with. When you do go live open a micro account.