
Hi all,
I joined a couple of days ago. I’m Tina,a 43 year young single mum in the UK. I looked into stocks yrs ago,but my children were too young for me to concentrate,so I became a plumber instead~bit different eh​:smirk:. Anyway became registered disabled in 2010 and refuse to give up so now do arts and crafts from home and decided a few months ago to try and approach the stocks-kids are big gangly Kevin’s and perrys now​:joy:My time is mine. Kind of got the hang of it,then lost a bit-hit the fear factor,then got the traders block and made stupid mistakes last week-:see_no_evil:It happens,I’ll get through it​:smiley:.
I took a lazy weekend,read a female traders book on her experiences and decided-throw away what I thought I knew,remember my mistakes,dust myself down and start afresh-Get Myself Educated.

DA DAHH,I got pointed here and am so so thankful both for the pointer and this fab site,I finished my kindergarten level today,decided to put a little practice in tonight of the fresh insight and am already on the upward profitable journey in small steps.
I’ve still got a way to go and will continue my education and quizzes here,but thank you so much for giving me the resources to sort my fried brain with a fresh start​:smiley::smiley: