Newley retired with tiny pension. Need more money

Live in Yorkshire with a beautiful lady. Kids left home. We need adventure to keep us young and so need to earn money in an ongoing way.

Let’s have a look at this and see if it suits.

Welcome to Babypips.We are looking forward what you can share with us.I hope you can also gain your knowledge here.This is an educated forum I hope it will help you a lot.

[B]Click that button in between HOME and BLOGS (School) that will explain everything. And before you risk your own money it’s best to try a demo account first. Same market fake money. Practice until you feel comfortable. Then the sky is the limit! Congrats on the retirement I’m also retired… age 25! LOL. It’s never to late to make your millions! :slight_smile: [/B]

Thanks Mr Scummy,
I like the fact that there are so many warnings to spend time on the demo.
Shows some integrity.I’ve done kindergarten, but it looks like a long haul before you get a feel for it and can make money.

You retired at the age 25 because of trading? Do I hear it right?


Good luck on your journey.


[B]Take your time. Trust me you’re gonna wanna be well trained before you join this WAR! I promise there will be plenty of pips to go around! [/B]

[B]I didn’t start with a small account. I was lucky enough that I come from money as horrible as that sounds for me to say out loud like I’m some rich A-HOLE (I’m not). But my account is well funded and yea I will NEVER work a “real” job. I am 1,000,000% committed to trading! These returns are amaaaaaazing! [/B]

please dont accept any quick profit from forex trading. its risky… only on experience you can make some decent profit.

H Scummy666,

if you don’t mind me asking, when you started Forex full time, what was your initial capital?

hello scummy do you mind sharing your results?