News question

Hello all! This is my first post here but I have been reading for awhile. I am fairly new to forex and have been trying to find my way around. I am looking for a good website or place that would keep me up to date on news and events that will have a effect on the forex market. Does anyone know of a good place for forex news that is updated regularly?

I read about forex news in FreshPips.Com! I follow FreshPips on Twitter to get news really quick :slight_smile:

I also consult the BP calendar: Click on the Tools tab above ^

Hope this helps :smiley:

And welcome to Babypips :stuck_out_tongue:

Best thing I started doing to keep track of the news is to get a hold of one of the forex calendars that show all the events for the week upcoming. I make a printout and make sure I know the major times which I should hold out on trading.

Works for me.

If you’re looking at news as it happens, check bloomberg’s website for market reports and news releases. I find even fx360’s site decent for finding out what fueled a certain move if I’ve missed it.

Thanks for the info guys I will check it out.

lots of forex calendars popping up everywhere now.

babypip’s calendar seems quite nice.