News trading yes?

Do you trade news? Before or during news events? which broker allows news trading?

never trade during news without strong fundamental analysis , very few i trade on news and always use Fx factory economic calendar to predict the market with certainly.

And how do you analyze the news, I mean, for example, how to analyze the news about grain destruction in Ukraine, how does this news affect the market, besides the obvious increase in grain prices?

all of them - they make a fortune from customers doing it, so they understandably encourage it

no - i avoid it, i don’t trade for about 5 minutes before it and usually 10-30 minutes after it (depending on whether it has much effect on the markets)

there are quite often spikes in both directions, all in a few seconds, which can take out your stop-loss in one direction, then hit another trade and take out that one’s stop-loss, too - it’s fraught with danger, however you do it, it seems to me

let me put it this way: all the people i’ve known, in all the decades i’ve been trading, who have been into “trading the news” (and i’m talking about professional traders here, not amateurs) have eventually had some disaster with it and given it up as a bad job

my feeling about it (i know plenty will disagree with me) is that although it’s really easy to have a good run with it, and it looks really attractive and promising when you do … eventually there’s an accident, and they can cost a lot more than you expect when your stop-loss doesn’t work!!

i think the important point for people to understand about it is that these are the exact times when a stop-loss might not be honoured, simply because the broker can’t honour it because of the frenetic price-movements, and therefore if you do it for long enough, you’re eventually going to have a real disaster where your stop-loss doesn’t work and you lose far, far more than you ever imagined possible

it’s not for me, anyway

the exception, of course, would be if you trade with guaranteed stop-losses (which some brokers do offer), and that would regulate your risk - but that’s also not for me, because they work out much too expensive in the long run: you have to pay very big spreads to use guaranteed stops

so i decided long ago to give the whole thing a miss

i wish good luck to anyone who wants to try it, but it’s a very tricky and deceptive business, and one in which i think the odds are really stacked against you

one of the big funding companies recently published information on this subject, too: they said that out of the people taking their evaluations who have a successful “first news trade,” the majority actually lose their accounts the second time they try it!!

it’s one of these things that looks easy, but will probably blow your account at some point

For news trading, we need to follow the news, and in some situations, we can make big profits, but it also carries more risks.

I trade almost 100 per cent on the D1 time-frame so I don’t trade news as such. But I don’t avoid news either. So if price pre-news is running a consistent trend I am happy to stay in a trend-following position through all announcements and leave entry orders pending.

Most news does not trigger a reversal.

If there’s no clear trend I’m out baby.


I see traders who can predict these price movements at the time of the news accurately and are able to make quick profits, but it is difficult to manage them . I n conclusion it can be profitable for some , but it is not suitable for everyone. Trading with low leverage is advisable.

It can be challenging to navigate the news in today’s world. With so much information available, how do you determine which news is relevant to you?

It seemed to me that with the consideration of the U.S. support in the Ukrainian war, the USD had a chance to become stronger against the EUR. However, at the same time, in Europe, there are many countries experiencing a decline in economic activity.

I apologize if I’m asking silly questions, but for example, there’s an investigation underway regarding the sabotage of the Nord Stream. Just like this news, when the final report is published, will it affect the market? Is it correct to ask: can such news influence the market? If so, what could be the impact?