Nneed help plrase

Im here to learn as much as i can im tired of losing money i need a successful teacher or mentor not a dumass signal service or get rich quick guru trying to sell me a program or trying to get reference bonuses off me someone please help me!!

Apart from educating yourself on this great learning free site, here’s a link to another pro trader free learning.

Hellooo. :blush: I think that before you look for a mentor, you might have to review why you’ve been losing money. :thinking: I think that this will help you not only improve your strategy, but also it will help you explain your challenges better once you do find a mentor. :open_mouth: If you don’t mind, how long have you been trading?

Welcome to the forum. Is this how you feel?

The best mentor is yourself. Plenty of information online that you can use to your advantage to develop a trading strategy. I recommend that you check out Smart Money Concepts on YouTube, and use that as a starting point.

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Ive only been trading about a month and im losing money because i dont really have a strategy i know the basics but i have no idea how to turn that into a plan of action or an actual trading strategy …i learn fast but i need someone who knows the market knows how to break things down and knows how to teach me how to become more consistently.profitable